Grounds for Hope is scheduled for May 2, 2024 at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville Alabama

Outreach of the Year Award - Agape of North Alabama

Other Finalists: The Caring Link, The Care Center, Graces of Gurley, Ryker’s Rainbow

Dr. Darwin “Doc” Overholt Lifetime of Hope Award - Andrea Williams of 8th Street Community

Van A Sullivan Visionary Leadership Award - Debi Akers of the Cornerstone Initiative

Servant’s Heart Award - Khristie Stains of Footprints on the Heart (the Volunteer of the Year Award Finalists)

Other Servant’s Heart Award Finalists: Belle Kelly (Timothy Award), Melvin Allen of Harvest Youth Club (Servant Leadership Award), Adina Peyton of GRAMI (Unsung Hero Award)

Acts 2 Award - Branch Family Worship Center

Faith in Business Award - FiberRise

Silent Auction

Silent Auction Items are Currently Being Collected. The Silent Auction will launch two weeks prior to the May 2nd event.


Selected nominees will be invited to the Grounds for Hope event at no cost to them. Award winners will be anounced at the Grounds for Hope event. The following awards will be selected from Nominations submitted through this website:

Out Outreach of the Year and Outreach of the Year Finalists are outreach efforts that fall under the umbrella of a 501c3 organization. Winners of these awards will split the proceeds from the Grounds for Hope event. To nominate an outreach go here:

Our Servant’s Heart Award is presented to an individual demonstrates a desire to selflessly and sacrificially serve others, regardless of the personal cost. The winner of this award will demonstrate a use of their God given talents through a character and attitude motivated by putting God's will first. We consider this to be our Highest Indvidual Award. Winner of this award receives recognition and a small thank you gift at the event. To nominate an individual for the Servant’s Heart Award go here:

Our Timothy Award goes to an individual twenty one years of age or younger who is currently a standing out through their community service and desire to service God, while demonstrating a potential to be a future community service leader. Winner of this award receives recognition and a small thank you gift at the event. To nominate an individual for the Timothy Award go here:

A look back on our Previous Events


Through Grounds for Hope we seek to enable conversations between nonprofit organizations, churches and businesses that empower, encourage and inspire faith-based outreach.  When the Hope of Christ is presented along with a helping hand, we provide more than just a temporary fix to an immediate problem, we help secure an eternal foundation rooted in Christian love.

The proceeds from this event will go toward those that we honor. Nominations are being accepted for individuals and organizations to be honored. Honorees will attend the event free of charge. Remaining proceeds will go toward organizations that we honor. 

 Grounds for Hope is presented by the Trideum Foundation.