Feeding 5000 text with bread bowl

In 2020, when COVID hit, the Trideum Foundation initiated a drive to help organizations that were providing food to those most affected by the crisis.  “Feeding 5000” was our chance to help. Feeding 5000 refers to the well-known Biblical story of Jesus feeding 5000 people with just 5 loaves of bread and two fish. As a small company and foundation, the need can seem overwhelming, but we believed that we could take our limited resources and make an oversized difference if we work together.  The program has continued to work as we have donated nearly $100,000 worth of grants in our first three years.

For 2023 Trideum Foundation Board has narrowed down the suggestions to four worthy organizations making a tremendous difference. Our minimum goal, using your donations and our matching contributions, is to raise $5,000 each for these organizations, or a total of $20,000. Once we meet that minimum goal, we will add another new organization and continue raising funds until we fully fund a $ 5,000 grant. We will continue to add organizations, from your suggestions at each $5000 increment until the event is complete.

These are the four outreaches that “Feeding 5000” has selected to support initially for 2023. (click on each title for more information)

We need your help! Select one of these two options to help us meet our goals!

Between today, October 12th and Wednesday November 1st all one time donations through our website will go toward “Feeding 5000”.

The Trideum Foundation will MATCH the first $5,000 of one-time donations during this time. ( $5,000 of your donations will provide $10,000 of immediate support. To make a one-time donation, click the “Donate” button on the upper right corner of the screen or below.

The Trideum Foundation will also use two months’ worth of all employee payroll deduction donations at the level that exists at the end of this drive toward this effort and we will also TRIPLE MATCH the increase in employee donations during this drive as an added contribution to “Feeding 5000”. Because your increase is matched and included in the base foundation donation based on monthly giving, If you increase your payroll contributions or start a new payroll contribution, this effectively impacts this campaign by 6X your increase in giving and you will continue to support other Foundation efforts after this cause. Trideum Employees can sign up for payroll deduction donations or change payroll deductions at any time by clicking the “ Trideum Employee Partnerships” Link at the top of the page or below.

Note: As a reminder, all donations to the Trideum Foundation are tax deductible (payroll deductions are taken after tax).