Grant Requests

Our grants are charitable in nature and focus on providing assistance to those who need it most. We employ four cornerstones of outreach when supporting charitable causes. We Invest by providing financial assistance, we encourage involvement of volunteers both at Trideum and in the community. We inform by helping to share the stories of what great organizations are doing and by helping organizations that provide inspiration as well a helping hand. Lastly we use  our resources and integrate our approach by trying to help connect worthy causes with people who will support them

We specifically seek to :

Provide the Basics of Life - including food, shelter and basic needs. 

Fill the Gaps Where Public assistance is not quite enough from veterans to the disabled to families and children

Answer Prayers - Whether it is providing Christmas for children, paying bills, making repairs or providing medical services we seek to give an extra boost to people when they need it most.

EMPOWER and TRAIN individuals to help themselves rise above their circumstances.

To request a grant, please click on the button below & complete the Application for Non‐Profit Assistance. Any questions may be addressed to